Psilocybe Cubensis Mushroom. 00. 05 – $ 91. Psilocybin Cubensis Mushroom Spore Syringes. Rated 5. Wild Texas Cubensis Spore Syringe $ 22. 00 out of 5. 99. Meaning that the filter removes 99. CHOOSE TYPE. Choose an option SINGLE SYRINGE TWO SPORE SYRINGES FOUR. Select options; Spore Syringe 4-Pack Sampler. [deleted] • 1 yr. 00. Shaman Mushroom Spores is the best place to buy mushroom spore syringe kits. First time cultivators will often attempt to inoculate grain spawn or BRF cakes using a spore syringe with varied results. Products [45]. Florida Wild - Psilocybe Cubensis. Add to cart. 5-11 mL). Select options; Keeper’s Creepers Spores. 00 Add to Wish List Add To Cart Products [45] Alacabenzi. I suggest going with ralphstersspores, as they only accept cash limiting the availability of a paper trail. Trusted Vendor. Use Bitcoin or Ethereum for your. The wild spores were grown out and genetically modified over 10 generations before release by Myco Clay. SKU: N/A Category: Magic Mushroom Spores Tags: albino a+ psilocybe cubensis, Amazonian PES psilocybe cubensis, Burma’ cubensis, Cambodia psilocybe cubensis, Ecuador psilocybe. Spore syringes are commonly used to transport and distribute spores around the world. Spore syringes for Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata mushrooms. SPS 20 SPORE PRINT IN A VIAL™ - DRY SPORE SYRINGE - 20 CC vial with dry spore specimens and 20 CC sterile syringe. Rated 4. Rated 5. Quick View. This is the difference between a spore syringe and a liquid culture. Buy. They can grow as tall as 10 inches in the wild under the perfect circumstances. ( 1 customer review) $ 19. Psilocybe Subaeruginosa Spore PRINTS. You will then take this syringe and inject the spores into a substrate. To order with PayPal, Zelle, CashApp or Venmo see our FAQ Page. When a spore syringe is filled with sterile water, the hydrated spores adhere to it. 45Yes, ordering spores is safe. $19. Buy TWO or more of our spore syringe varieties and receive a free syringe with cash or money order mail-in payments. Getting an uncontaminated grow from wild spores isn't that straightforward, but can be done. Based in the Netherlands, the company offers an extensive selection of psilocybin mushroom spores, including Psilocybe Cubensis and other strains. 3k) Sale Price $27. Find perfect products for your mycology projects. This means that the filter removes 99. 99 Add to cart; Sale! RIP Tide Mushroom Spore Syringe $ 32. Species: Psilocybe Cubensis. Choose Any 4 Spore Syringes Microscopy Kits only $45. All Syringes $10 - Buy 2 Get 1 Free. Amazonian Mushroom spores originate from a high-performing strain of Pacifica Exotica Spora. 00!!! Our 5 pack offers the best bang for your buck besides our Deep Thought deal. Search for: SHOP MUSHROOM SPORES. User account menu. . Pretty sure the last Aussie vendor got busted years ago. LEARN MORE. Sporevision. 95;**Ovoids** Now In Stock! Restocked B+, Alacabenzi, PESA, Z-Strain and More! 5 Syringes for $30 Including FREE Tracked Shipping! Cash App, Venmo, Apple and Google Pay Accepted. Simply place a drop of liquid on your glass slide to view thousands of beautiful spores. 97%. 95; Out of StockInstant dark spore solution with very little contamination possibility. 99 ea. Spore Syringe 4-Pack Sampler. The Ecuador cubensis fruit can grow tall with amazing caramel-brown mushroom caps. Welcome to Spores101 Canada. 00 out of 5 based on 13 customer ratings. To make the actual spore solution, we take clean spores and mix them with sterile distilled water using a magnetic stirrer. Buy Psilocybin Spores; Edible Mushroom Cultures; Psilocybin Spore Prints; Mushroom Spore Syringes. She took that sheet back to a lab and found spores from several fungi, that have not been recorded outside of Africa!!!! Off the coast of North Carolina!!!!!!!!! And also, refer to the "Weilii Theory" in which the spores of Psilocybe caerulescens was transported from the Mexican peninsula to Northern Ga, in a hurricane in the early 90's!!Each Spore Syringe is loaded with hundreds of thousands of highly viable mushroom spores suspended in sterile distilled water. You can get clean tissue samples from inside the stipe on any mushroom. 95. AMVP Mushroom Spores (Albino Most Valuable Producer) $ 34. Rated 5. This would be the type of soil you want it to grow in. Each Microscopy Kit will include one glass. Spores originate from mushroom fruiting bodies, for this reason they cannot be guaranteed free from contamination. However—that’s a big however. Buy 2 Get 1 Free. Golden Teacher. Our mushroom spore syringes are loaded with hundreds of thousands of spores. The 10ml spore syringes offered on this website are made from high quality mushroom spores. $ 34. Mushroom Spore Syringes. Maui Platinum Spores – Maui (PES Hawaiian) Spore Syringe $ 22. Amazonian mushroom spores syringe for sale on our shop page. Ready for reconstitution with included sterile water vial. 00. Penis Envy Spores. If you would like to learn more about gourmet medicinal mushrooms we recommend a good book to start with is Paul Stamets. 5 inch 16 gauge needle . We carry a wide variety of popular and delicious edible mushrooms in liquid culture syringes and spore prints. We then wrap the print in sterile aluminum foil. 5-Pack Gourmet Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe. Buy Mushroom Spores. Strain Origin: Unknown. You will see clumps of spore groups of tens of thousands of spores. Quick View. 99. Order now! Skip to content. Generally, researchers will use 1cc of spore solution per research media (SLIDE). This exotic mushroom fruits on wood chip beds or woody debris from April to mid June but they occasionally fruit as late as November. All our syringes are created in our lab with professional flowhood technology and temperature controlled environments meaning we can provide some of the most sterile. One spore syringe will yield enough specimen for 10 SLIDES. Mushroom Shirt, Spore Print Design, Psilocybe Spore Print Shroom Shirt, Gift for Magic Mushroom Lover, Mycology Style, Mushroom Fashion (1. 141 reviews. It’s slightly nippled cap tuns a caramel color at maturity. A wood-loving mushroom (similar to Psilocybe cyanescens), this mouthful of a named ‘shroom is named after the peculiar ovoid (ballon or rhomboid) shape of the spores under a microscope. 5. Facebook Instagram. $45. It gets huge in the wild was found growing wild in Florida in the 90’s. I saw a thread where someone hadIncluded with each mushroom spore syringe purchase: One 10cc syringe. Spore Syringes. Buy Now. We try and focus on species. As with spore. 00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating. The spore swabs are made by swabbing the spores directly and resealing the. 00. 99. Free shipping on order over $50 Company under new management, all genetics back in stock!A ideal habitat for Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata should look like this: Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata can vary in appearance, from beige to almost greenish blue this is a collection of photos showing the different appearances: Submitted by Alan Rockefeller: Used with Permission of PsychedelicSLUG: Submitted by Avidpicker, Western PA: Ovoids on. com™⚡ with delivery to ⏩ Canada ⏩ Australia and ⏩ EU. Each Microscopy Kit will include one glass microscope slide, cover slip, cardboard protective case, and instructions on how to properly view your spores under a. org has a list of trusted vendors and they're all legit in my experience. Penis Envy Spores. 99 Add to cart; Creeper Spore Syringes $ 24. 00 out of 5. But has since spread like wildfire and has been found in Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland , West Virgina, New York , British Columbia, New Jersey, California, and. All syringes are 10ml. Draw up the water into the syringe and remove any air bubbles. Classification: Hallucinogenic. Detailed instructions included. Then they must be incubated at a steady temperature of about 75 degrees Fahrenheit (23. 95; Gulf Coast cubensis Spore Syringe. With all time mushroom spore classics, we have a strain for every spore collector. Our entire spore range of syringes are vetted and procured from around the world and are then put into production in small batches to ensure quality. 97% efficiency rating). Rated 5. You can store the Spore Prints for up to 2 years in the fridge. Every order receives 1 free syringe for every 2 purchased. Tags: spore prints , grows on hardwood , highly active , cool weather , medicinal. Our liquid culture syringes are. Lil' Shop of Spores currently carries more than 60 of the most popular Ps cubensis spore strains. Found 1000m up in the mountains. $ 17. Shop; About; Contact; FAQ; Knowledge;. In Georgia this species can be easily found by searching edges of maintained parks, in small microclimates. Sporeworks, mushroommanmycology. Rated 5. Please visit the new website to browse our collection of quality mushroom species availble in print, syringe, and edible culture syringe. This has been a long anticipated strain and we are thrilled to release it as part of the ITW New Year strain drop. 95; APE REVERT Cubensis Spore Syringe. Rated 5. Our spores are legal to buy, sell, possess, and use for any non-cultivation purposes in most U. OVOIDS NOW IN STOCK! For anyone looking to expand their collection and add a wood lover to the mix, Ovoideocystidiata is a must!. Syringes are beginner-friendly and ideal for those looking for an easy way to inoculate grain bags and jars. Select options; Alacabenzi Spores. Using minimal spore solution and a self healing Injection port ups the chances of succeeding though. Golden Teacher Spore Syringe. Rated 5. 99 Add to cart; Jack Frost Mushroom Spores (Jack Frost Spore Syringe) $ 32. Spore Prints and Syringes; Sterilization and Pasteurization; Cultivation Archive. However, because these spores are from wild specimens, there. 99 Add to cart; B+ Mushroom Spores $ 24. 9 degrees Celsius). A wood-loving mushroom (similar to Psilocybe cyanescens), this. Golden Brown hue when mature. Each Spore Syringe is loaded with hundreds of thousands of highly viable mushroom spores suspended in sterile distilled water. Albino Penis Envy (APE), is a unique Albino variant of the Classic mutation; Psilocybe Cubensis Penis Envy. 00 out of 5 $ 22. Add to cart. Skip to content. 10ml Spore Syringe. Our Mushroom spores, aka Magic Mushrooms are laboratory grade for microscopic use. Rated 4. Then you can crape them into some distilled water and adde to a syringe. CHOOSE TYPE. states.